
Apache Traffic Server 4.0.1 released.

ts_logo_tm_380x73Apache Traffic Server software is a fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server. Formerly a commercial product, Yahoo! donated it to the Apache Foundation, and it is now an Apache TLP. The latest version of Apache Traffic Server software is V4.0. Apache Traffic Server 4.0.1 was released on August 30, 2013.

The following bugs were fixed since the latest development release (v3.3.5, see below):


  • [TS-1823] – config file line continuation support
  • [TS-2111] – configure check in boost falsely requires 1.50
  • [TS-2112] – libloader promoted to “stable” but is not built
  • [TS-2127] – Move hostdb.config to var/trafficserver
  • [TS-2128] – Don’t link into binaries (only into plugin itself)
  • [TS-2129] – Check for Perl MakeMaker module
  • [TS-2130] – Checks around pthread_setname_np() fails on various platforms
  • [TS-2131] – Calling “make install” sets ${localstatedir} owner and group to “ats” user
  • [TS-2132] – Calling “make install” sets ${libexecdir} owner and group to “ats” user
  • [TS-2154] – Lua plugin asserts traffic_server on startup
  • [TS-2161] – TSHttpTxnHookAdd memory Leak


  • [TS-1597] – document remap.config filtering directives

More details are also in the CHANGES log and the the Jira Release Notes. A complete list of all bugs since v3.2.0 is available on our Jira as well.

Refer Apache website for more details on the product and the latest version can be downloaded from