In 1993 Bob Young incorporated the ACC Corporation, a catalog business that sold Linux and Unix software accessories. In 1994 Marc Ewing created his own Linux distribution, which he named Red Hat Linux (Ewing had worn a red Cornell University lacrosse hat, given to him by his grandfather, while attending Carnegie Mellon University). Ewing released […]
Google Unveils $199 laptop
Google has launched Acer C7 Chromebook for $199. Specifications are: 11.6’’ (1366×768) display 1 inch thin – 3 lbs / 1.4 kg 3.5 hours of battery Dual-core Intel® Celeron® Processor 100 GB Google Drive Cloud Storage2 with 320 GB Hard Disk Drive Dual band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n and Ethernet HD Camera 3x USB 2.0 1x HDMI […]
Amazon web services (AWS) launched a new service called Amazon Glacier. You can use this service for archiving mission-critical data and backups in a reliable way in an enterprise IT or for personal usage. This service cost as low as $0.01 (one US penny, one one-hundredth of a dollar) per Gigabyte, per month. You can […]
Making a high secured Linux server
Data or application security is one of the major headaches faced as a system Administrator. In my blog am trying to share a few points which make a server less vulnerable to a hack. Remove all unwanted Software: remove/disable all unnecessary services or package installed in the server, you can remove unnecessary package from your server […]
Connecting to a remote Oracle Database.
Local database Connecting to a local database is easy, just use: $ sqlplus dbUser/dbPassword@dbSid Here’s the syntax for connecting to a remote database using its SID: $ sqlplus dbUser/dbPassword@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=remoteServer)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=dbSid)))’
Once the new harddisk is connected, you can verify the connected harddisk by issuing the below comment. $fdisk -l see the screenshot below. As you can see above the second hard disk is detected as “/dev/sdb” Steps for creating a new ext3 partition 1. #fdisk /dev/sdb type “m” […]
In all flavors of Linux, we can use a utility called “lsusb” to get information on various USB devices connected. $ lsusb The above command lists devices connected to the Linux kernel. See the screenshot attached below. You can use, $ lsusb -v to get more detailed information on the devices connected to the system.
To install subversion, open a terminal and run the following command: sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn We’re going to create the subversion repository in /svn, although you should choose a location that has a good amount of space. sudo svnadmin create /svn Next we’ll need to edit the configuration file for the subversion webdav module. […]
RHEL 5 can be installed using a variety of methods, like DVD/CD ROM Harddrive NFS FTP HTTP Here we are going to discuss RHEL5 installation using the first method (by using a RHEL5 DVD) As a starting procedure, boot your server from the DVD drive, the installation program then probes our system and tries to […]
Windows Server 2012 Overview
With Windows Server 2012, Microsoft delivers a server platform built on our experience of building and operating many of the world’s largest cloud-based services and datacenter. Whether you are setting-up a single server for your small business or architecting a major new datacenter environment, Windows Server 2012 will help you cloud-optimize your IT so you can […]