
How to change Google Drive folder location?

By default Google Drive installer creates a folder here C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Google (Replace ‘USERNAME’ with your computer username), considering the storage option available with google drives this might end-up in utilizing filling your default drive space if all folders is allowed to sync.

We can change the Gdrive  installation location in two ways.

During installation we can change as mentioned BELOW
  • Download the latest drive installer
  • Begin the installation, then click “Get started”
  • Log in using your account
  • Click next 3 times after logging in, you should see a window that says “You’re all set” –>There should now be an Advanced Setup button
  • Click that button and choose your installation location.
After Installation
  • Click on the Google Drive icon in your system tray
  • Choose Disconnect account… in Preferences
  • Sign in again. You can change the folder when you click Advanced setup button.


General technews

Quest Visual is joining Google!

Quest Visual, the maker of the incredible Word Lens app, posted on its website that it has been acquired by Google.


Quotes from wordlens website

With Word Lens, we’ve seen the beginnings of what’s possible when we harness the power of mobile devices to “see the world in your language.”

By joining Google, we can incorporate Quest Visual’s technology into Google Translate’s broad language coverage and translation capabilities in the future.

As a thank you to everybody who supported us on our journey, we’ve made both the app and the language packs free to download for a limited time while we transition to Google.

We’re looking forward to continuing our work at Google – stay tuned!

Android Word Lens Translator


CyanogenMod Installer Application Removed from Play Store

CyanogenMod Installer Application has been removed from the Google Play Store, after a Google advisory stating that the app is violation of Google developer terms and conditions.

Read the full blog post from cyanogenMod here


Here’s Google’s Tour Builder

Tour Builder a Google Earth Experiment, is a new way to show people the places you have visited and the experiences you had along the way using Google Earth. It lets you pick the locations right on the map, add in photos, text, and video, and then share your creation.

And here’s the sample gallery’s for a tour

Visit Tour Builder


Chrome tip: How to bookmark a bunch of Tabs related to the same topic

Let’s say you’ve opened a bunch of Tabs related to the same topic and you’d like to read them later.
Here comes the magic Chrome Keyboard Shortcut: <Ctr> + <Shift> + d

This will prompt you to pick a bookmark folder where to save all your Tabs and next time you want to read them, Just got to the bookmarked folder and you’ll just need a three finger tap on it (or middle click with a mouse).


Android technews

Waze intergrated with Google Maps

Users of Google Maps for Mobile will now benefit from real time incident reports from Waze users. This means when Wazers report accidents, construction, road closures and more on Waze, the updates will also appear on the Google Maps app for Android and iOS in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Switzerland, UK and the US.

The Waze community will also benefit from two new features. First, the Android and iOS versions of the app have been updated with Google Search. Wazers will now have access to even more search results when navigating. Google Search joins other search providers making it easy to find favorite businesses and any local address.

In addition, after a successful beta test, the Waze Map Editor now includes Google Street View and satellite imagery to build out the map and make it easier to correct map errors reported by the community. For more information, visit the Waze blog.


Source:  Google Maps Blog